Recognition / Affiliation / Linkages
The Institute is a member society of International Federation of Biomedical Laboratory Sciences, Canada, which is NGO officially related with WHO.
Through IFBLS about 33 organizations in different foreign countries have direct links with AllMT. AllMT had a collaboration with ECC, Baltimore, USA for CEP, North At lanta College, Canada and South Korea.
AllMT represented IFBLS (IAMLT) in three consecutive 50th, 52nd and 53rd SEARC meetings of World Health Organization.
AllMT is recognized by the West Bengal State Council of Technical Education for MT education to develop human resources.
Recipient of Scholarship in abroad
The President of this Institute Shri M. Chaudhuri, received Fulbright Grant in 1990 to visit US Universities for 3 months to study curricular development on Medical laboratory Science. Recipient of International Nordic Award in 2002 in Orlando, USA.
Mrs.Jayanti Barai, received a scholarship from Japan MLT foundation in 1995 for 3 months to learn Advance Technology in Medical Laboratory Science. Dr. T.K. Dey, received Nordic Award in 1994 to participate World Congress in MLT in Hongkong
Participation in international Seminar & Congress
Mr.M. Chaudhuri, Presented paper in the World Congress of Medical Technology, in Sweden in 1986 and nominated as a panel speaker in the world congress at Osaka, Japan for "MLT problems in South East Asia" in 1988. represented IAMLT in WHO 50th SEARC meeting in Bhu tan (1998) and 52nd ft 53rd SEARC meeting in New Delhi (1999,2000) and participated lFBLS World Congress in Orando,USA (2002).
Dr. T.K. Dey participated IAMLT World Congress in Hong Kong and presented Poster in 1994. He is also the recipients of The Nordic Award.
Mr. N.K. Pramanik, presented paper in the World Congress at Oslo in 1996.
Dr. K.K. Sitafalwalla, participated IFBLS World Congress in Stockholm, Sweden (2004)
Visiting Scholar:
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- Prof . K.L. Mukherjee, Director, MLT program Essex, Community College, Baltimore, USA visited three times our Institute to prepare joint program on MLT.And participated in workshops and seminars organized by the institute in different parts of India in 1986, 1988, 1994.
- Dr. Edwan J. Lanon, Clinical coordinator, Bunker Hill Community College, Boston, USA visited our Institute for 15 days as Fulbright Scholar and organized workshop on US Education in Medical Laboratory Sciences ft Hospital administration (1990).
- An exchange program of Scholars was initiated with the Korean Association of MLS, South Korea (1999).
- Dr. Pieror, from ltali visited AllMT in 2004 in connection with project E·learning